press conference

"A change of cycle is needed"


The president Jokin Aperribay rallied around Imanol Alguacil during his presentation as the first team’s new coach. Before referring to the new manager, the president expressed his appreciation to Lorenzo Juarros and Eusebio Sacristán.

“I would like to thank Loren for his dedication to la Real for the past years. He has had a heartfelt link to la Real. I want to acknowledge his professional value, his integrity and the good work he has done as Sporting Director. He has been part of all that we have built. He has always been there, he is someone who is close to the club and he has always respected the principles of la Real. We wish him the very best. The passing of time will highlight his work here”, Aperribay stated.

The txuri-urdin president praised Eusebio for his work. “Just as Loren, Eusebio is a gentleman. He came to la Real with a style of play and he gave it all for the team. He was fully committed to te club until the end. It is difficult to stay long at one club, he could have stayed but the results are determining”. 

Aperribay explained that “we thought that a change of cycle could be good and we understood that changing some things at Zubieta would be helpful. We are aware that we have underperformed this season but this is also the season of change”.

Apart from the sporting terms, the president argued about the prices of the New Anoeta.

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