"Make the most of the opportunity and help the team"

It was the turn of Juanmi to answer questions from the media after training on Friday. The focus of the press conference was the midweek Copa del Rey victory in Valladolid, in which he scored a brace. "First of all I am happy for the team, and that we were able to take a step forward in the tie; after that it was nice to gain some minutes, and make the most of that to score a couple of goals – that is what we are working towards. The team’s in a good dynamic and we have to continue working hard to make the most of the moment we are in”, the striker said. “All of us are aware of the moment the team is in and that means that some of us won’t get a chance to play as regularly as others. Those of us who aren’t playing as much have to keep working and when an opportunity comes along, seize it and make the most of it". Juanmi says that he has never felt anxious about his role within the side but acknowledges that it’s a nice feeling to get on the score sheet. "For any player who isn’t playing so often, to be included in the side and get a couple of goals is important. But I was relaxed, I knew that I have been working well and that it’s difficult to enter the team when they’re playing so well. I always knew that my chance would come along, and that I’d need to capitalize on it". As for the goals he scored on Wednesday night, Juanmi said much of it was down to the service he received. "Both were great passes – from Asier and Carlos. The first one was quite difficult to control but the ball came to be perfectly, and I was able to strike the ball with my left foot. The second came from a perfect cross from Carlos, all I needed to do was get my head to it, and it went in".

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